We strongly recommend that you use a business address whenever possible for all your orders as all shipping require a signature. You will receive an email confirmation with the tracking number and the link for following your order status. In case of damaged package delivery, please contact our customer services.


  • All orders require a signature upon receipt.
  • We are not able to redirect orders once it has been shipped.
  • Do not forget to check the content of the package delivered before providing your signature.
  • All orders confirmed and paid before 11am are shipped during the same day. A confirmation by email will be sent as soon as your order is shipped.


The content of each order is checked before shipment. A particular attention is dedicated to prepare your order.


We pay a specific attention while preparing your order and package. However, if a product has been damaged during transportation, please email our customer services directly.


1) For the following countries*: Croatia, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Greece, France, Belgium, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Monaco, Austria, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Slovakia, Spain.


Free delivery for orders over 95€
Standard Shipping for orders under 94.99€
No minimum order

3) For the United Kingdom**

 Free shipping for orders over 150
 Minimum order 150

4) For Turkey :

Free shipping for orders over 350€
Standard delivery for orders from 140€ to 349.99€
Minimum order 140€

5) For the following countries*:  Portugal, Iceland, Slovenia, Switzerland** United States of America.

 Free shipping for orders over 290
 Standard Shipping for orders from 140 to 289,99
 Minimum order 140

*Additional fee may be applied for remote locations

** Additional custom fees will be applied upon delivery